Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My not-so-graceful fall from the Ivory Tower

I spent the past two weeks working at a small animal/exotics practice in Johannesburg that primarily sees birds.  I was completing my “Primary Care” rotation, which can be done either at my school or out in the real world. Primary care consists of all the normal general practice things like vaccinations, itchy skin, and your average vomiting cat.  I chose to do this rotation in South Africa so that I could extend my stay in the country and also to get a feel for baseline care here.  I chose this practice because my good friend works here and I wanted to brush up on my birds. 

I have always loved bird-watching, but birds are not my favorite when it comes to dealing with them up close.  I find them kind of creepy.  Tiny dinosaurs, right?  However, since my degree says I can practice on any animal, I felt that maybe I should turn my bird frown upside-down.  I have been working at it slowly since I started school.  I definitely don’t hate birds now and, the more I learn, I can see that they are actually quite cool.  But, there are still large gaps in my most basic bird knowledge.    
Wings & nails
I spent the first few days observing from the exam room to the surgical suite (called “theater” here).  The majority of the birds we saw came in for “wings and nails” which consists of trimming the first 5 feathers of the wing and the nails either getting dremeled or soldered to an acceptable length.  The first 5 feathers at the tip of the wing help initiate flight and the next ones in help the bird turn and stop.  If you trim the first 5 then the bird can’t take off which helps keep pet birds from flying away. A bird that flies away here could easily survive in the wild because of the warm climate.  The most popular birds in SA (African Grey, Cockatoo, Cockatiel, Ringneck, Macaw) are not indigenous and could create problems for the local birds.  In fact a few “strays” came in while I was at the clinic.  Those birds were kept, tested for beak and feather disease, and sent out for adoption if the owner could not be found.

Some other frequently seen conditions:
Feather cysts (have to be removed surgically)
Injury from landing too hard on the ground
Fractures of the wing/legs
Feather chewing (can be fixed by “imping” or gluing on a surrogate feather)
The ol’ down-with-seeds nutrition talk

Bird emergency support care
There were a number of birds that presented in severe distress.  Birds are prey species and excellent at hiding their ailments.  When a bird is acutely & severely sick it is not likely that it will make it out alive.  At least 5 birds came in this way with various problems/clinical signs and none of them survived.  The Catch-22 is that the more you handle a sick bird to fix it, the more stressed it gets, and the more likely it is to die.  Sometimes you just can’t win.  This is hard for everyone, especially the owners who just saw their bird acting fine an hour ago and now it’s dead.  As they say in South Africa, “Ag shame, man.”   

Look at me, Ma!
(secretly freaking out inside!)
I did a lot of basic bird techniques during this rotation.  I practiced basic handling which, funny enough, is not that different in principle from handling any other animal.  The number one rule of animal handling is “control the head.”  When you control an animal’s head the rest *usually* follows.  Also you tend to get bitten less.  For birds it is best to use a towel so you can kind of burrito their wings and body as you grasp around the head with your thumb and forefinger.  Birds look like they have thick necks, but it’s all feather fluff.  They actually have quite scrawny necks.  For larger birds you can just hold them where the wings connect to the body.  If you are handling a raptor (like a hawk, owl, or falcon) then your primary goal is to control the feet (rather than the head) because they have spectacular talons to avoid.  Although handling is pretty fundamental it was actually quite scary for me.  I bet I had a funny look of concentration on my face most of the time and I know my heart was racing more than once.  I always value these moments because it feels good to best something you are kind of scared to do.  I got to hold a macaw and African Gray perched on my hand…which was AWESOME!!  I bet my friend was laughing at me because he does it every day, but man I was feeling myself in that moment. 

I also practiced gavage (tube feeding), all the different sites for euthanasia, taking blood from two sites, making blood smears, doing Trichomonas testing, and probably a lot more.  Heck, they even let me do “wings and nails” on a few birds.

There were plenty of dogs and cats to see…and even some rats, bunnies, monkeys (!), and guinea pigs.  I got to practice some of my skills and try new things like doing a dental on a dog.  From what I can tell, most of the care and drugs are pretty much the same as what I have seen/been taught in school.  I have a lot of knowledge gaps in small animal things.  In fact, I kind of suck at all of it.  I feel bad that my knowledge is crap, but I also do not want to work in this area.  Vet school is a constant battle between “knowing all of the things” and trying to invest some extra energy in the things that seem more relevant to your future.  The ER vet on call in the hospital is not a reproduction expert and the dermatologist is not up on her/his infectious diseases of cattle.  But, as a vet student we apparently need to know it all.  As they say in SA…”eish.”         

A native wild pigeon gets a superglue cast
One unique thing about this practice, besides the fact that they are one of the few bird practices around, is that they take any wild animal that comes through the door with no questions asked.  Well…maybe a few questions to get the history.  The clinic pays for treatment and hospitalization, but people can make a donation.  The majority of the animals that came in were…you guessed it…birds!  The majority of the birds that came in were pigeons, but we also saw some beautiful raptors and “garden birds.”  Pigeons in this country often carry a protozoa called Trichomonas and although it’s treatable, it often recurs.  If a bird comes in with Trichomonas it is euthanized because there is little that can be done to keep it from becoming infected again and it can give this protozoa to other birds in the clinic.  To do the test you swab the mouth and crop, prepare a wet mount slide, and have a look under the microscope.  I did not see any positives while there, but it is a fairly common occurrence.  Many of the birds had fractures and sadly many of the birds had to be put to sleep.  In other words I got to practice performing many physical exams and euthanasias.  Wild birds must be fit to stay wild, so if their medical problem (like a bad fracture) prevents a full recovery then they get put to sleep.  Birds that can be fixed are treated, handed off to volunteers or rehab centers, and then get released back into the wild.  This is a great service to the community, not only for the treatment these un-owned animals get, but also for the peace of mind the person that brings the animal in receives.  Win-win!

As far as clinic basics…most of the drugs were the same, although the trade names were often different.  Synulox is Clavamox and so on and so forth.  There are also different names for some common things like a catheter is called a Jelco, presumably because that is the brand name.  It was interesting to see the difference in labor here vs. at home.  There are veterinary nurses here (AKA vet techs), but this practice used hired workers that would normally be cleaners and nannies in South Africa as the people that did the animal care and handling.  I’m sure that is much cheaper, but you get what you pay for.  There was a lot of frustration from the vets about missed directions and slip-ups (like leaving cage doors open) that probably could be avoided if nurses were employed.  Having these workers also allows the vets to be more authoritative over the employees which is a distinctly South African phenomenon that I do not have time to explain here.  I guess I’ll just leave it at saying it was an interesting dynamic to observe.        

I learned that an African Grey that falls to the ground can often injure its beak or chest on impact because those birds are top heavy.  Cockatoos often injure their butts because they are bottom heavy.  Either way…falling can be a painful experience.  I think this would be an excellent way to describe my first venture out into private practice since gaining admission to the ivory tower known as vet school.  There were a lot of practices I observed that made me cringe.  One doctor repeatedly performed surgery without proper scrubbing, gowning, masking, or even wearing gloves.  I could not believe it because of how much this has been drilled into my head in school. (Remediate!)  I didn’t even see any gloves out if I wanted to use them, although further searching revealed some boxes in a cabinet somewhere.  Tables were rarely cleaned in between patients and sometimes even the thermometers were not cleaned.  There were many other basic hygiene things I observed that I thought were kind of lacking.  The epidemiologist in me was crying in a corner somewhere.  I realize that what I have been taught is the “gold standard” of care in the most pampered environment possible, but there is no substitute for basic hygiene.  Overall the care of the patients was decent, but I saw a lot of easy things that could be improved.  The practice is changing hands soon, so it is likely that a new set of procedures will be implemented as a younger set of vets run the show.  Any experience is one worth learning from whether it’s good or bad, so I can definitely say that this proved to be a very valuable learning experience overall, plus I got to see some amazing animals…like a crowned crane.  I wouldn’t trade my two weeks for the world.  I thank my friend for not only giving me the opportunity to work with him, but also for being patient with me.            

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Welkom terug

I had hoped to weigh in on my first few days of South Africa before I had vet things to say, but I got swept up into a daily work grind.  Apologies.  First a few thoughts on being back in SA and then I’ll deal with vet stuff in another post.  I wish I could talk about all the breathtaking things I have done in the last few days.  I suppose that is what the people want from a travel account.  If you need travel juiciness then check my quick run-down of Doha, Qatar.  But this piece is going to be a little less touristy and a little more home-y, homie. 

There are two things that never get old in SA: 
1) Having people say “welcome home” to me
2) Being called “My sistah”

South Africans always remind me that this too is my home…at least in some form or another.  When I am in the USA people ask me “when are you coming home?” and now that I’m back they are welcoming me back to my “home.”  It gives me warm fuzzies and believe me I could use all the warmth I can get while I’m free from the icy grip of the Death Star. 

I had a lot of anxiety about coming back here, but anxiety is just kind of my baseline right now.  It’s weird for me because I would not consider myself an overly anxious person.  I was anxious about a lot of things.  I wasn’t looking forward to packing for two months away from home.  I was worried about being away from my dog for that long.  I was anxious about bringing the right quantity and quality of gifts to the ones I love.  I was anxious about my vet abilities because overall they are pretty crap right now.  I was anxious about having a 2010 view of SA in a 2016 world and not just in societal ways, but also in my personal interactions.  People have kids, cars, and jobs now.  We are all different from back then.  Hopefully onwards and upwards.    

But all that anxiety has melted away.  I am probably the most relaxed I have been since I started vet school.  A winning combination of sleeping and hugs.  The first night I was here I was sitting in the backyard of my friends’ house and I just thought, as I looked up at the stars, ‘this is not weird at all.  I’m just at my friends’ house.’ 

So my first week was basically just landing, sleeping off my jet lag, reconnecting, and starting at the vet clinic I am shadowing at while in Joburg.  There have been a few injections of excitement as I remember things like the tuisnywerheid and biltong exist.  I also took my first ride on the Gautrain today.  Nothing fancy, people.  Just home.  I guess homecomings aren’t usually spectacular on their face, but they do make an impression on the heart.  That’s about as corny as I can be, but it’s totally true.  Thanks for the love, as always, dear South Africa.    

Saturday, June 11, 2016


I passed through Doha, Qatar (said: KA-tar) on my way to South Africa.  I had the opportunity to take a long layover, have never been in the Middle East, and have a South African friend in residence in Doha.  That sounds like a yes, yes, yes to me.    

The pilot welcomed us to a balmy 39C Qatar…which was well past my mental Fahrenheit conversion abilities.  Luckily the airplane monitor did it for me.  I remember laughing because it would be 92F in Urbana after I left.  Now you can laugh at me because 39C is 105F.  Ha ha ha.  After landing, I tracked down my friend and we took in some of the sights of Doha.  Qatar, according to information from the airplane, is the wealthiest country in the world when you divide the GDP by the population.  So I can say that Doha was fancy.  As fancy as a dusty desert oasis can be…which turns out to be pretty fancy.  The airplanes I took to and from Doha were some of the swankest I have ever been on.  (As far as I can tell, Qatar Airways RULES!)  The skyline of Doha was definitely brag-worthy, luxury cars dotted every major roadway, and the homes resembled small palaces.  Oil, baby!  There is a thriving ex-pat community there, of which my friend is a part.  It seems like there are two tiers of foreigners there.  There are those that do the labor jobs (taxi driver, cleaner, etc) and those that do other white collar jobs (like veterinarian).  I bet that all makes for an interesting mix.   

We visited the Souk (Arabic for “market”) which is a large open air market boasting just about anything you could desire.  We had some amazing buffet food and then, since we were short on time, we just walked around to all the animal sights.  The sad live animal market was straight out of a public health outbreak investigation prompt.  Lots of cages packed with all kinds of animals in poor thrift.  Kitten herpes eyeballs and overheated rabbits for days.  I was warned to cover my face unless psittacosis was kind of my thing.  My friend said that for many people these were throwaway pets and due to their poor health they don’t usually live long anyways.  My friend warned me that the market made many people sad and we did not have to go if I did not want to see it.  I believe it’s better to know all ways animals are kept in the world, not just the heartwarming ones.  We must know what we are working with.  We also saw a falcon market which was right next to an all-falcon veterinary clinic.  That was cool.  Falconry is a pretty big thing in Qatar, but it sounds like it’s a hobby for the wealthy only.  There was also a nice stable of Arabians housed in the market that are used for official parades and what not.  After I got some postcards (you know me) and poked my nose into some spice shops, we went to the waterfront to look at the beautiful skyline.  Doha was really beautiful at night. The harshness of the desert softens at night with all the gorgeous architecture illuminated.  Ramadan had just begun, so when we first went out there were not many people around.  Presumably folks were inside getting their first bite since dawn.  As we started to leave the market we could see that the place was getting more and more packed.  We headed back home after a bit so I could take a quick shower and quick nap before getting up to head to South Africa.      

I’m glad I got a snapshot of Doha.  Learned a lot, but still have plenty of questions.  It was GREAT to see my friend again and reminisce about vet student life, South Africa, being a foreigner, and everything in between.  He was always so good to me in class (he always taught me new phrases in Afrikaans) and his hospitality could not be beat. I was so glad to see him thriving in his new home.  

Win, win, win in Doha.  But, peeps, South Africa is calling.  

Monday, June 6, 2016

Resurrection 2016

Hear ye! Hear ye! 
The (Mis)Adventures of Miss Lynsee Melchi is hearby resurrected from electronic slumber! 

Greetings, dear friends, followers, and well-wishers!  

In a few days I'm headed back to South Africa for another (veterinary) adventure, so this definitely calls for shaking the dust off the ol' blog.  I'm going to try to post here while I'm away so folks can stay up with my (mis)adventures in the southern hemisphere.  

For those of you new to the game...this space was originally created in 2006 as a conduit for my experiences of Southern Africa during my time as a Rotary International Ambassador of Peace and Goodwill.  Part of my directive was to "build goodwill and better friendships" and this blog helped me to share my impressions with the Americans that sent me, the Southern Africans I was meeting, as well as just about anyone with an internet connection.  An interesting outcome of the original blog was getting to meet and advise international students interested in attending the University of Pretoria.  I got to know a microbiologist from Vietnam, a geographer from Iran, and a veterinarian from Singapore all through these words.  Sometimes the internet is a pretty cool place for fostering global relationships. 

This is my fifth-ish trip to South Africa.  My first time was a study abroad trip in 2002 to the University of KwaZulu-Natal (then University of Natal) in Pietermaritzburg.  As the kids say, it's been "on like Donkey Kong" ever since.  In 2007, with the help of a scholarship from Rotary International, I studied veterinary medicine at the University of Pretoria and in 2010 I was lucky enough to visit for the first FIFA World Cup held in Africa.  It is an understatement to say that South Africa is like a second home to me.  

This time around I'm going to be completing clinical rotations with a few of my former veterinary classmates.  I'm a clinical year veterinary student and my school allows me to go learn wherever I like, so I choose South Africa.  I will be spending 2 weeks at a small animal/exotics clinic in Johannesburg, 2 weeks doing meat/milk inspection with a state vet in Polokwane, and 2 weeks doing livestock work with a state vet in KwaZulu-Natal.  

I'm very excited and nervous this time around.  I hope I am not a complete know-nothing when it comes to working with my friends in the "real world."  I also am worried that I have a static version of South Africa in my head.  I don't want to assume too much about this second home of mine.  On my very first trip to South Africa I landed with almost zero preconceptions about the place.  I think that mentality served me well and I will be trying to fall back into that mindset.  I have (re)learned many times that just when I think I know how something works in South Africa that is the day I will meet the person that teaches me otherwise.  I'm also just damn excited to see my people.  To meet all the new children of my friends.  To laugh. To relax.  To eat my favorite foods.  To ride the Guatrain for the first time!!  To try to let some of the stress that has built up over my last few years in vet school slowly ooze out of my brain as I rejoin "African time."  

Stay tuned, people.  

Until then...keep the faith and spread it gently.  

Love, Lynsee