Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"By the time you read this...

I'll be basking in African sun like...Wow! Yes! We made it! We're here!"

Well not yet, but soon. I'll be off on the plane Tuesday evening around 5pm from O'Hare. Flying through Spain with a very loooong layover in Madrid. But by 11am (S African time) on Thursday I'll have arrived in my prospective home. Yes! Even now it seems so surreal.

I just wanted to say thanks so much to all of you who have supported and helped me in these last months with everything from places to stay to food to whatever it is you had to offer me! I couldn't have done it without you!!! Please please please recognize that you have a place to stay in South Africa with me. I hope you will all consider (and if possible) and make a trip to SA a reality!

And to all of you I'm about to meet...hello!

I promise I have photos to add to this here blog thing...but I gotta figure out how to do it. I have a bunch of going away photos of goodbyes and what not. Stay tuned.

Well, stick w/me. I'm off to Africa, baby!!

Love Lynsee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bon voyage lynsee!
