Sunday, March 25, 2007

Whew...catchin' my breath

Hey hey

So I've been away from the wonderful land of blog because I've been really busy studying (or at least intending to study) for the last week-ish. After my bday I had a carbohydrate biochemistry test on Monday, amino acid chemistry test on Friday, and then bacteria yesterday. Whew! I've been a studying fool. Also there was a public holiday thrown in there somewhere and more bday celebrating to do. I can't remember if I said anything yet about grading in SA, but the range for getting an A here is (get this!) 75-100%. I can get a score that would land me a C in the USA and still get a "distinction" here. That BLOWS my mind! I got an 82% on one of the tests I took this week, but that's still a solid A! It's like heaven. Secret Agent Brain will finally have some help. My, unfortunate, grade-centric school existence is about to shift for the better.

I singlehandedly created a major scandal this past week among the biochemistry teaching assistants...all because I wrote in pencil on my test paper. Apparently that is a major no-no here. I came into the test after it already started so I missed all those pesky directions and it was my first test in SA. I wrote in pencil cos I had so many chemical structures and stuff w/tiny easy to mess up details. My test would have looked like Jackson Pollack was at work if I wrote in pen. I just can't believe that if writing in pencil was such a big no-no that the proctors of the test wouldn't have told me while I was doing the test. 1st of all I came in late. 2nd of all I sat in the front row. 3rd of all I asked 2 questions during the test, so someone had to come over to me 2 times. 4th, I asked a question of one of the proctors when I turned in my test. 5th, I'm the American girl...not to be egotistical, but I know that's how people remember me here. Why didn't they say anything to me? So, during my biochem lab this week, one of the assistants comes up to me and says "You can't contest the grading of your test because you wrote in pencil." She was pretty pissed off at me and kind of incredulous that I would do such a thing as write in pencil. I was feeling some eyeball daggers in the air. I explained that this was the first test I ever took in SA and I came in late and didn't know better. She was still pissed off and said it didn't matter...I couldn't contest any errors made in the grading. Now I was getting angry because I felt like no one told me I couldn't write in pencil and if someone makes a mistake on grading my test...I don't want to pay for it. It's just not fair. One slip of the grading pen erases hours and hours of studying...oh I don't think so! In the end I went to the teacher before I looked at my test and explained the situation. I asked if she would look at my test to see if there were any mistakes. There were quite a few mistakes and so I walked away with a few extra points. I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't trying to cheat...I'm just a foreigner here. She was very understanding and explained that the teaching assistants thought I had purposely written in pencil to spite them. She told me that it was causing quite an uproar. So that was the scandal...that one person in like 600 in the class wrote in pencil to spite the teaching assistants. I'm a legend!

Needless to say...I wrote the next biochem test in pen!

On Tuesday of last week I went to Joburg to see Japanese super dj...DJ Krush! This was my gift to myself for my bday and to repay all that study time. He was playing at a club called Carfax, a really sweet dance-type club. There was a decent hiphop opening act called Obita...their songs were okay, but the highlight was their guitar player. Obita is a rapper dude, chick singer, and a guitar GOD. It was a pleasure to watch him play. DJ Krush was incredible. If you like to watch DJs spin records than please check out DJ Krush. It was so awesome to see him cooking up the beats on 2 turntables, mixer, computer, and I think one of those rhythm touch pads. Beautiful!!!! The guy is a genius! There was a side room w/a hiphop DJ that was really taking me back thru wax to Champaign-Urbana and the good old days of UC HipHop (represent!). I checked out the show w/some of my old friends from the Pietermaritzburg (PMB) days...Kumbi and Gary. The great friend train makes another stop! I didn't know Gary and Kumbi live together so it was a real pleasant surprise to add Gary as a stop on the train route! Also his girlfriend, Sarah, is visiting from the USA (she's from Cali). Sarah had lived here (in PMB) for 3 years, so she has been thru a lot of the same feelings/situations that I will go thru/have already gone thru here. It was really great to meet someone that has had such a similar experience, under similar circumstances, with the same friends, and in the same town. It was crucial to be able to talk out some of the things going thru my mind w/someone that can really really understand what I am feeling/going thru/experiencing. The photo above is L-R: Gary, me, and Kumbi.

After a raucous party in honor of my bday and DJ Krush, Wed was a public holiday...Human Rights Day. Public holidays are days that sees everything come to a halt, a lot of people don't have to work, students don't have to go to school, etc. It's not like in the USA where President's Day is only important to furniture stores or Casimir Pulaski Day is only celebrated in Illinois. Everyone is on the same "let's not go to work in honor of this thing" page. Human Rights Day is an international holiday that is celebrated throughout the world on December 10 to commemorate the United Nations' adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. In South Africa, it's celebrated on March 21 to remember the 1960 Sharpeville massacre. I'm not sure if the two days share anything besides a name, but I think they are the same in spirit. On March 21, 1960, police opened fire on a group of blacks protesting in a township called Sharpeville. To learn more about townships, check out this link: cos it's sort of hard to explain a bunch of aspects of the townships. I think this link does a good job. The protest that happened in Sharpeville was against the use of passbooks. Remember that S Africa only scrapped apartheid in 1994, so in 1960 the system was still going strong. Passbooks were like passports that people had to carry in their own country because the movement of people (especially non-whites) was restricted to certain areas. Mostly non-whites were not allowed into white areas...unless cheap labor was needed. 69 people, many of them women and children, were killed in the massacre. 180 were wounded. Now the police claimed, as any good police force would, that they started shooting into crowd because there were agitators and such. Actually the exact words from one of the lieutenant's was:

"The Native mentality does not allow them to gather for a peaceful demonstration. For them to gather means violence."

However, most of the victims were shot in the back. You do the math. The massacre was one of the major events that sparked off the anti-apartheid struggle, locally and internationally. There was such heavy protesting in South Africa that the government called a state of emergency just 9 days later. For more information on the massacre you can check out this link at wikipedia (the entry is short, so don't be scared!):

A lot of the old public holidays (during apartheid days) have been amended now to include events that were important to the apartheid struggle...don't worry...I'll update your SA history book as these public holidays happen. For more info on all S African public holidays:

I spent the public holiday at the Walter Sisulu (an apartheid era hero) Botanical Gardens near Joburg with Sarah and Gary. It was exactly what I needed. First of all...I got to drive around in a car w/the windows down, which is something I love. There is just something peaceful about a face full of wind that leaves you with nappy hair. Ace Ventura had it right all along. It was nice just to travel anywhere. I've really been sort of stuck in my little 5 block by 5 block area where the university is. I would get the same feeling in Urbana when I hadn't left the town in awhile. It's just nice to go somewhere in a car sometimes. Or rather just to travel a distance. I got a lot of time to think about stuff that's been bugging me, mostly just little adjusting issues, and got to spend some time with people I feel at ease with. I realized after hanging w/Gary, Kumbi, and Sarah that it's been awhile since I chilled w/people that I'm automatically at ease with. I mean, for good reason...I just don't know anyone well enough yet. So even social situations where I'm having a good time are still sort of stressful cos I don't know the people I'm hanging with. It's not that major of a thing, but I guess something I did notice while chillin' w/Gary, Kumbi, and Sarah. We hiked up to the top of a waterfall in the gardens and checked out some other places. Also had a nice picnic. The best part was randomly meeting up w/2 of my friends from the PMB days, Colin and Niall. It was really weird actually. We were just walking along and I looked at this guy approaching us from the opposite direction thinking "man that guy's face is familiar...oh..cos it's Colin!!!!" So there was another surprise stop on the great friend train. Below L-R: Colin, me, Niall...PMB represent!

Yeah so the rest of the week has mostly just been studying. I have spent some time with one of my new friends, Luso, and another new friend, Kenzy. Both chickies from the radio station. I went to a social at my dorm which was at first sort of freaking me out (big social situations where I don't know anyone and no one talks to me have sort of been freaking me out lately...which is weird), but it turned out okay cos I did see someone that I sort of knew but hadn't met yet...if that makes sense. And I got good free food...bonus.
Our "spring break," which is really more of a fall break since it's getting to be fall here, starts on Thursday. I'm going to be heading over to St Lucia on the East coast. St. Lucia is a huge nature preserve (for more info: that is mostly a big wetland/estuary type thing. I went there w/my dad back in the day. Lots of hippos and crocodiles and birds. Jon Warner, one of my friends from U of IL (who also studied in Pietermaritzburg), is doing snake research there. So I'm hoping to check out his project, chill with a fellow U of IL/Univ of Natal homie, and maybe do some fishing. Maybe check out the beach, etc. Then I hope to swing down to Durban to add a few stops to the great friend train tour. Roisin and I come! I don't have any definite plans yet except that I'm getting a ride with this guy on Thursday at 6am-ish toward St Lucia. The rest is unwritten...nice!

Radio station stuff has been going good. I think I'm making really good progress with my audio production studies. I just need to do a lot more shadowing so I can learn cool techniques and shortcuts and stuff. My brain isn't exactly wired for audio stuff, so there's a lot of learning and "getting in the zone" that needs to be done. I'm actually really enjoying this stuff cos I realized that audio production is something that I don't really know anything about and is something I'm not naturally good at, per se. So it's a nice challenge compared to other things I might take on...things where I'm pretty sure I'll succeed. Last night I made my first ad that was going to go out on the air, but the event got postponed until June. D'oh! I'm sort of happy cos I've been focusing a lot of energy on work and it will be nice to not have anything on my plate for the next few days except packing up my bag for my holiday!
I've added photos to my "General Photos" album in my public gallery:
Also my mom added photos of the celbration she and my bro had for my "Hippy Bartday." You can check them out at:
So...I'll be gone for a week or so. I probably won't get to update the ol' blog til I get back, but we'll see. I still haven't collected my bday packages, but should get them tomorrow! Thanks!!
Later later
Love Lynsee

Monday, March 19, 2007

26: The marathon year

Hey all

I just wanted to say thanks and thanks for the birthday love!! I haven't received any packages yet, but it's because the mail's going to my host counselor's post box and I don't see him that often. And I don't know how often he checks his mail either. And he's been out of town this week. And the term 'snail mail' (in the intra-continental sense) is very appropriate...

Special love to Dad and Ben for calling me!! You rock!

Roughly 26 miles in a marathon, so this is the "marathon year." After I turned 21 I needed something to associate w/my age so I could remember what age I was. People would ask me how old I was and I sometimes couldn't remember. Hence, the number association. I mean, let's face it, 21 (especially for American kids) is the most important birthday of the 20s decade. Everything else is just chopped liver in comparison, so you need something to jog you back into reality.

My birthday was pretty chilled out. I spent the morning studying and then went with some folks from the radio station to a braai (bbq) in the afternoon at a place called "Rust." A very cool radio show, The Eclectic Mix, has an after set at the venue. You can braai meat there and drink beers. Swim if you like. The vibe is very chill, which is appropriate for a Sunday afternoon...and a Sunday birthday. The Eclectic Mix is an awesome show that my boss, Stav, does on Sundays. It airs from 10am-2pm (SA time, GMT+2, 8 hours ahead of Chicago). You can stream it on-line at if you are interested. They play a much needed funk/hiphop/DnB/triphop/cool oldies respite from the rawkus pop rock/pop punk that tends to dominate the playlists of the station. Stav does the show w/a guy called Bubbles that is a pretty well known DJ in SA. One of his CDs, HouseTunes4, is one of my favorite SA house CDs. So I got to meet him and took my photo w/him. Sweet!

The Lynnwood Park Green Grocer (where I buy my vegetables) and The Eclectic Mix are my 2 fav things about Pretoria so far...and it only took me a month and a half to discover these ;)

The rest of the evening I just checked my email and then went to bed early...I know, I know. But I didn't have anything to do, I sure as hell wasn't studying, and then I didn't know anyone else to go out with. I rolled and smoked my last cigarette w/Peter Stokkebye Norwegian Shag from Jon's Pipe Shop (in Champaign, IL). *sniffles* I told myself when I started smoking that I would stop if I ever lost my supply of Norwegian Shag. Well that day has come. I'm not married to smoking. I'm not married to quitting...but I sure as hell can't survive smoking Marlboro, Peter Stuyvesant (an SA cig brand), or Camel packaged crap. Those cigarette options make quitting an easy task. They taste so nasty compared to the nice full bodied Norwegian Shag. I just can't lower myself to that... And I know those Phillip Morris chemicals will get me hooked on tobacco for real! Also there is just something special to me about the process of rolling my own cigarettes. It personalizes it for me in a way I's not just consuming a product. It's fashioning it to my tastes and DIY-ing it. Thanks to Jon's for making me a snob!!!!

I added some photos to my photo site of my bday. You can find them in the "General Photos":

I took my first test today. When you take a test or an exam here it's called "writing." I wrote my first test today. Carbohydrate Metabolism...and I put that thing to bed!!! Meaning...I think I did really good on it. It was an easy test. Also the grading scale here is crazy as hell! Okay in the USA you know we have the A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70...and so on. The scale here is A=100-80 or 75 (depending on the teacher), B=74-70, C=69-60...and so on. Just "passing," meaning to get more than a 50%, is the focus for a lot of people. I unfortunately can't be content w/that...but if I could. Man, I would NEVER study!!! Just passing...nice. I don't know how this will translate into work for me...but it seems a lot easier to get an A. We'll see. I may be eating my words soon...

Well I gotta go get my study on some more...Amino Acid chemistry is on Friday...Bacteria on Monday. Yea.

Much Love

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day in the Life, part 2: Mar 15, 2007

Hey Hey

I have added the photos from the second installment of "Day in the Life." All in all another simple day in a simple student life. You can find them and some other photos I've taken since at:

And here's my friend Taylor Anderson-McGill's Day in Southern California:

(Appropriately enough Taylor and I were animal science students together in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in 2002) Thanks so much Taylor!!!!!!

Please send me your photos if you have them so we can compare!

I haven't been up to much, except studying and having the intention of studying...but then doing something else. D'oh! I've also been doing a lot of studying of production and how the heck to make recorded pieces to be played on air (that don't suck of course). I feel like I've learned a lot so far, but much to go. I haven't completed anything that's been played yet, but Thursday I helped edit something that was aired...which was really exciting for me! So far I've made a fake commercial, fake entertainment piece, and created and recorded vocals and stuff for a piece called "Help Lynsee." It was just a funny little piece introducing myself and asking for help in this production biz. About a minute or so long.

This past week I spoke at the Pretoria West Rotary Club which was my first visit to a club other than my host club, Silverton Rotary. They meet, hilariously, in the same venue as the Silverton unfortunately I didn't get to check out another venue. But soon! Pta W is also a club that is a dinner club and they actually eat dinner at this club. And drinks of course! It's an SA tradition ;) This group has a custom called "Happy Rands" that similar to what I've seen at D6490 meetings. You pass a vessel, put money into the vessel, and tell something you are happy for that has happened that week. This club also has a wine drawing, which is something I've seen at Silverton Rotary. Tickets are sold before the drawing and the winner takes home a bottle of wine. Pta W decided to postpone their drawing cos there weren't many in attendance, but when they found out my birthday was coming up...they gave the bottle to me. It was a Cape Ruby Port by a vineyard called Calitzdorp. Very strong and very sweet wine...a port rather. I talked about a trip I went on to Brazil in Jan 2004 that helped me to figure out what I want to do w/my career plans. The club president is hosting a Brazilian high school student on Rotary Exchange, so it was a pretty appropriate topic.

My birthday plans are shaky at best now, as my boss and I can't figure out if DJ Krush is playing tonight or Tuesday. But the radio station folks are getting together a braai (check your lingo dictionary...this means BBQ) tomorrow. I love to BBQ so this is a great idea! Oh, I also love to braai ;) And I just got invited to a jacuzzi party while writing this we'll see how that goes. Whoa.

Wish me luck on studying! Starting Monday at 5:30pm I have 3 tests in a week. Yuck!

Next time...comin' atcha from a new age (and I don't mean Enya!), 26!
Love Lynsee

Monday, March 12, 2007

Get yer study on!

Hey everyone

Get my study on...ooooohhhh yeah!! Well at least that's the idea. I've just been trying to force myself to study, get back in the swing of school, and the like. It's hard to study a) because these classes "honk me off" (as Marni might say) b)I haven't been in school in ages c)there are better things I could be doing than memorizing amino acid structures and reactions. But I'm doing it! Ask me about Arginine and it! I can tell you the structure and side chain properties, promise! Slow and steady...Secret Agent Brain, save me!

This week has been sort of low. Probably because I actually have to focus on work instead of just floating thru the atmosphere, but maybe it's just about that time in the "culture shock" spectrum where I turn my thoughts to home. I'm not homesick per se, but it's easy to feed my brain happy thoughts of riding the El (yes I just wrote that!), bouncing around 2101 S Michigan's mattress room, evenings w/Clara n Carlo, steak tacos w/lime and Mexican hot sauce, Chad's swing, and such. I definitely haven't hit my stride here and I think that's playing into it too. I feel like a lot of my energy is going into just sorting out my day (I still don't know my class schedule and locations w/out looking at a piece of paper where it's written down) that I'm sort of scrambling around instead of living. Like a chicken w/its head cut off.

I also have not found "my people" yet...or even "my person." This was an issue for me when I was in SA before. Urbana and Chicago are counterculture breeding grounds. The counterculture in some places is the norm. Hipsters, where u at baby? I don't get that feeling now in Pretoria and I didn't get that feeling in Pietermaritzburg. There is a definite norm here that is pretty strictly followed...w/out imagination. So far as I can tell. I feel like a complete weirdo here as far as what I'm into and where I'm going with my life. What I can and can't be bothered with. Am I a weirdo? Does it matter? Can I live with being a weirdo (without going crazy)? These are all things I'm dealing with. In PMB I didn't have enough time to find "my people." It's much harder to find people here that are on their own thing instead of just following the herd. I must find these people...I can't hang w/the herd here on more than a superficial level. Well so far as I can tell right now anyways. I have more time to find people here, so I need to look hard to find some folks on the same vibe as me. Or at least a similar wavelength. I'm sure these people are around somewheres....come out, come out!

I had my first production project at the radio station and I don't think I did tooooo bad. My project definitely didn't go out on the air yet cos I'm just learning. I'm getting the idea, but I just need to polish many many skills. Practice, practice, practice. I think this week I'll get another project where I can have a bit more freedom as far as choosing the music and stuff, so that will be cool. Man I wish I could spend more time in the studio and less w/a biochem book in my hand!!!!

This weekend I went to a show to see a SA HipHop dude called Max Normal (yeah Helen!). He has a new project called Max Normal TV ( that was an integral component of the show. A lot of his show was about being your own person, etc. Making your own system. It was a great show and really appropriate to what I've been thinking about all week. I was recommended to the show by my boss at the radio station and was very glad he pointed me in that direction. I'm going to have to tap into his brain to find more of this type of thing. Maybe he will be my "space coyote" on this tip...

Don't forget that "Day in the Life" is coming up. Thursday March 15th. Please send your photo links to me at: For those of you not w/us last month...I'm taking a photo 1x per hour (preferably at the top of the hour) of my day on March 15th. Anyone reading this is invited to participate and we will compare the results of our day online later this week. I will attempt (once some of this work dies away) to put all the photos together online in a more cohesive format. I think I'm going to stick w/Picasa so I'll try to get all the photos over to there...but no promises! Any me! And don't worry if your day is boring...all are welcome to participate. My day last month wasn't particularly riveting. Just studying and going to class. But please, share!

Also my bday is this Sunday. I'm going w/my boss to see DJ Krush in Joburg. Nice! I think the show is actually on Tuesday, but I can wait. And I can't get too rowdy this weekend cos I have 2 tests next week (d'oh!). But luckily Wed next week is a public holiday here (Human Rights Day) so if I go out on Tuesday I can "go big." (as they say here) DJ Krush is a DJ from Japan that is known for his massive beats, crazy styles, and I guess musically he does a lot w/hiphop and jazzy type stuff. that the right term? I don't know. I'm happy to see DJ Krush here cos I can actually afford tickets and I don't think anyone here really knows who he is so I bet it won't be sold out. Nice!

Hope you are all well. And if you think about it...take a nice shot of daffodils for me. Even if it's just a mental photo :)

Love Lynsee

Monday, March 5, 2007

Here fishy, fishy

This is just a shoutout to all those Pisces-folk (well fish) out there who will soon be celebrating (or just celebrated) a bday! Hey, when you have a bday in find many more who share such a great month. The month of hope after the crappy frozen tundra that is February. The month of daffodils! And mud! Birthdays! And Spring Break! I guess I'll find new things to say about March from the S Hemisphere perspective ;)'s our horoscope for the week thanks to I thought it was an appropriate "Africa" connection:

Pisces Horoscope for week of March 1, 2007

Native to Africa and Australia, baobab trees are oddly beautiful, with thick, bulbous trunks that can grow partially hollow and thus serve as shelters for people and animals. They have an enormous capacity for storing water, allowing them to survive during draughts. Humans carve and paint their fruits, making them into ornaments, and also use their leaves, fruits, and bark for food and drink. The tree's large white flowers open only at night, and are pollinated by bats. In all these ways, you remind me of a baobab right now, Pisces. You're freakishly gorgeous, have enormous staying power and hundreds of uses, are a rich source of nourishment and comfort, and bloom under the moonlight, when you do your best collaborative work.

Happy Bday to:

Mar 1: Dawn
Mar4: Chaddykins
(Mar 4th AKA Soldiers Day, my aunt's favorite day because of its delicious punny-ness. Yeah we're corny in the Midwest...pun definitely intended)
Mar ?: Moe...yeah dude I always forget your day!
Mar 18: Me!!, Jamie Sokolski, Julie Stonehouse (the Canadian half of the bday and my brain)

If I forgot your bday, forgive me! I don't write down bdays anymore (a mistake!) and all I know is the close fam and Granny and Uncle Jimmy. Clara...I don't even know the day your bday is...shame on me! June though, right?

Also (yes this is a shameless plug) but if you want to send me a bday package please send it to:

Lynsee Melchi
c/o Tony Godrich
p.o. box 25
South Africa

The postal situation at my dorm is pretty shady and I can't promise a package will actually be waiting for me cos there's no secure box for me.

Also I wanted to give shoutouts to my friends at home doing cool stuff:

1. Clara aka Big C
Clara's a massive journalist eke-ing her way slowly to a villa in the Italian countryside. She's got a gift for taking you on a journey of words that is thoughtful, flowery, and meandering. Here's one of her latest pieces that she's super proud of cos it hypes up one of her great loves: the jamband scene. Yeah, don't poo poo it until ya read it! It is missing some of her characteristic romantic ramblings, but that's just something that happens when you do a QnA piece. You can also see her Edward Norton article in StopSmiling by clinking on one of the "Hot Lynx" at the bottom of my page if you really want to see her geek out.

2. Spinnerty...ohhhh that's my DJ!

Spinnerty, AKA Dan Finnerty, is an Urbana-Champaign native that's been tearing up the wheels of steel as a hiphop DJ on the W Coast in San Francisco. He's been doing some great projects...and getting well he should! You can see his latest accomplishments (and get his music) at:

Most notably, of late, he's been recognized on Turntable Lab's website (it's some impt hiphop site...hey don't ask me...I think you gotta be a DJ to get it). Not too shabby for a boy from the cornfields!!! You can check that link at:

3. Jenn Cork, the Midwest Ninja

Jenn Rourke, aka Jenn Cork, was a cool chick I met in Urbana thru Radio Free Urbana. Thanks to her we actually have nice show adverts, station IDs, and pre-recorded info spots about the station. Thanks! She's since moved to Madison, WI and is working at a news station as one of their web producers. She sent this link out to me so folks can check it out and give her feedback about the site. You can email her at:

Hope you are all well! Me, I'm just trying to get my study on! I spent the whole weekend studying, which was necessary, but sucky. Yeah studying, wooo....
Much Love

Thursday, March 1, 2007 addendum

So I meant to add something else to the crime train of thought...

I feel it's so important to not be scared of things here, even though crime is such a huge issue. It's something that I learned way way back in my days in school in Pietermaritzburg, SA. There was an incident that happened there (not a negative one where we were robbed or anything) where I was struck w/how stupid it was to be scared. Stupid to be scared of something you can't control. Stupid to be scared of something if you aren't going to act as smart as you can to try to keep that stuff away from you. I was with these girls who were really freaked out about crime (as we walked at night thru big bad downtown Pietermaritzburg) but didn't act smart. We walked down the street, dressed up to party, talking loudly (w/our fabulously noticeable American/Canadian accents) and not sticking together. I stopped everyone after a few minutes, shut us up, gathered us together into a more cohesive group, and we carried on. After this night I just felt I couldn't be scared in any situation. I just have to be smart and in a situation where I want to be scared...just keep my wits about me. Trust. I can't promise it will always save me, but it's the best I can do. I've used it many times in my travels around the world (gosh I'm soooo cosmopolitan...) and it's worked good for me. And believe me, I've been in some hairy spots!

So that's how I feel here. I don't want you all who haven't experienced SA to get the wrong impression. There's still a lot of living to do here...even if some dude might be waiting around the corner to rob you. I just feel like operating in fear isn't for me. Fear places too much power in someone else's hands and that pisses me off. It's the same deal w/this whole terrorism debacle. Fearing terrorists and their actions just puts power into their hands. It allows terrorism to exist. Yeah, bad stuff happens, but life isn't always the most wonderful candy shop in town, ya know? I think for Americans this is very very hard to accept because we are insulated to these types of situations that are happening all over the world every day, hour, minute.

So maybe you think I'm crazy...or naive...but it's working for me. And if I got shot tomorrow...I had a good run! Don't get me wrong, I value my life...which is why I have this philosophy in the first place. Try it sometime and let me know how it works for you. Not being scared of stuff I'm supposed to be scared of (according to people "in the know") has actually allowed me to experience a lot of things that I would have been to "scared" to do in the first place. And that is rad.
Fear of the unknown is something that keeps us apart...and that's not cool. That's not what I'm here to do. I'm here to be in it. Here to experience everything.

So that's my 2 more cents on crime in the city...

And I added more photos on another website to try this one out. I'm still putting up photos I write they might not all be up until later.


Love Lynsee