Pisces...here's our horoscope for the week thanks to freewillastrology.com. I thought it was an appropriate "Africa" connection:
Pisces Horoscope for week of March 1, 2007

Native to Africa and Australia, baobab trees are oddly beautiful, with thick, bulbous trunks that can grow partially hollow and thus serve as shelters for people and animals. They have an enormous capacity for storing water, allowing them to survive during draughts. Humans carve and paint their fruits, making them into ornaments, and also use their leaves, fruits, and bark for food and drink. The tree's large white flowers open only at night, and are pollinated by bats. In all these ways, you remind me of a baobab right now, Pisces. You're freakishly gorgeous, have enormous staying power and hundreds of uses, are a rich source of nourishment and comfort, and bloom under the moonlight, when you do your best collaborative work.
Happy Bday to:
Mar 1: Dawn
Mar4: Chaddykins
(Mar 4th AKA Soldiers Day, my aunt's favorite day because of its delicious punny-ness. Yeah we're corny in the Midwest...pun definitely intended)
Mar ?: Moe...yeah dude I always forget your day!
Mar 18: Me!!, Jamie Sokolski, Julie Stonehouse (the Canadian half of the bday and my brain)
If I forgot your bday, forgive me! I don't write down bdays anymore (a mistake!) and all I know is the close fam and Granny and Uncle Jimmy. Clara...I don't even know the day your bday is...shame on me! June though, right?
Also (yes this is a shameless plug) but if you want to send me a bday package please send it to:
Lynsee Melchi
c/o Tony Godrich
p.o. box 25
South Africa
The postal situation at my dorm is pretty shady and I can't promise a package will actually be waiting for me cos there's no secure box for me.
Also I wanted to give shoutouts to my friends at home doing cool stuff:
1. Clara aka Big C
Clara's a massive journalist eke-ing her way slowly to a villa in the Italian countryside. She's got a gift for taking you on a journey of words that is thoughtful, flowery, and meandering. Here's one of her latest pieces that she's super proud of cos it hypes up one of her great loves: the jamband scene. Yeah, don't poo poo it until ya read it! It is missing some of her characteristic romantic ramblings, but that's just something that happens when you do a QnA piece. You can also see her Edward Norton article in StopSmiling by clinking on one of the "Hot Lynx" at the bottom of my page if you really want to see her geek out.
2. Spinnerty...ohhhh that's my DJ!
Spinnerty, AKA Dan Finnerty, is an Urbana-Champaign native that's been tearing up the wheels of steel as a hiphop DJ on the W Coast in San Francisco. He's been doing some great projects...and getting recognized...as well he should! You can see his latest accomplishments (and get his music) at:
Most notably, of late, he's been recognized on Turntable Lab's website (it's some impt hiphop site...hey don't ask me...I think you gotta be a DJ to get it). Not too shabby for a boy from the cornfields!!! You can check that link at:
3. Jenn Cork, the Midwest Ninja
Jenn Rourke, aka Jenn Cork, was a cool chick I met in Urbana thru Radio Free Urbana. Thanks to her we actually have nice show adverts, station IDs, and pre-recorded info spots about the station. Thanks! She's since moved to Madison, WI and is working at a news station as one of their web producers. She sent this link out to me so folks can check it out and give her feedback about the site. You can email her at: jenncork@midwestninja.com
Hope you are all well! Me, I'm just trying to get my study on! I spent the whole weekend studying, which was necessary, but sucky. Yeah studying, wooo....
Much Love
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