Saturday, September 5, 2009

Postal Experiment

Dear loyal readers

I would like to conduct a postal experiment which really means this is a shameless attempt to get you to send me stuff in the mail.

I am pretty much a religious believer in the power of mail. Hear that US Postal Service? In this electronic age, there are still believers! I send at least 1 letter/card per week and sometimes a lot more. I just can't get enough of making letters and stationary and sending people a smile in the mail. The sucky thing is that people never really send me stuff back. And I'm kind of resigned to the fact that output never equals return. I don't really expect others to send me stuff back cos that is just setting myself up to be upset.

But now is your turn to participate in a movement of postal love in the direction of Lynsee. So sharpen your pencils, break out the nice stationary or wacky postcards, and get scribbling!

You can send me stuff at:

Lynsee Melchi
2918 Brookside Ave
Waukegan, Illinois

Send whatever you'd like. Postcards, full on letter, other postal silliness...I'll take it all. There will be prizes: 1st letter to come to me, letter from farthest away, wackiest letter, letter from someone I don't know. So...don't forget the return addresses!

I am leaving this address on December what can you all do in that time??
Bring it on!

I suppose I will write an update some time soon cos there is a lot happening. Life changes and what not. And I'm writing a book. Yeah. So, stay tuned.

Much (postal)Love
Keep the faith and spread it gently


Lynsee Melchi said...

1st letter received from Jenny Phelps on Tuesday Sept 8th (from Wisconsin).

Lynsee Melchi said...

2nd letter received from Alysha Riegert on Saturday Sept 12th (from Wisconsin).

Lynsee Melchi said...

3rd letter received from Elizardbreath Hill (Bloomington IL) on Sept 14th.

Lynsee Melchi said...

4th letter received Sept 16th from Bomber from Australia. So far the front runner for mail from farthest away!

Lynsee Melchi said...

5th and 6th postcard received Thurs Sept 17th from Aunt Jo in Hawaii and Andrew in NY...Thanks!

Lynsee Melchi said...

Update: Weekend of 9/19/09-9/20/09
4 mail items received, so that's up to 10 now! I wasn't home, so I don't know whose came what day.

But big ups to:
Christine M w/a RADICAL postcard from San Fran, CA
Sandra D w/an informative postcard from NYC
Johnny Danja w/an vacation p-card from NYC
The Nardullis w/a photo announcement of their new baby

Thanks!! Keep 'em coming :)

Lynsee Melchi said...

Postal update: 9/21/09
2 postcards from:
Alyssa S...a vacation p-card from Switzerland (and her first trip out of the USA @ the tender age of 12)

Brandi G...a vacation p-card from Belgium. A hilarious card that has all the finest Belgium things...including french fries...err...Belgian Fries ;)

Lynsee Melchi said...

11th and 12th mail received 9/30 from Molly and Nika. Cool library stamp postcard from Molly and care package from Nika. Thanks!! Both letters are from IL.

Lynsee Melchi said...

13th letter from Ray Morales from Puerto Rico (rec'd 10/2/09)
14th letter from my stepsister from WI (rec'd 10/3/09)
15th letter from Arash G from Nevada (rec'd 10/3/09)
16th letter from Sandra Ahten from Urbana (rec'd 10/3/09)


Lynsee Melchi said...

#17 received from Colleen Urban on 10/7. A sweet little card she drew herself...nice!

Lynsee Melchi said...

#18 received 10/14 from the Helliwells in England. A hilarious postcard of Grange-over-Sands that really made me laugh.

#19 received 10/16 from Dr Robinson. A cool card from CA of sequoias.


Lynsee Melchi said...

#20 received 10/19 from Marni...a cow postcard. Thanks!!

Lynsee Melchi said...

21st letter received today from Johnny Danja in Marrakech Morocco! Woo! Thanks :)

Lynsee Melchi said...

Wait! I am bogus!! I forgot that Gugu sent me a postcard from Australia (giving Bomber a run for her money on farthest away card). So today's card is really #22 and Gugu's Oz card is really #21 (recv'd 10/23). My bad!!

Lynsee Melchi said...

I made another mistake on the annotating...but it's no mistake that folks are still sending me letters! Yay!

So here's the correct run down:

Letter #21 on 10/23 from Gugu in Oz
Letter #22 on 10/30 from Granny in Cali
Letter #23 on 11/4 from Danja from Morocco
Letter #24 on 11/23 from Colleen from Champaign IL


Lynsee Melchi said...

25th letter received today! From Colleen from Champaign...woohoo! A lovely hand drawn postcard...thanks :)